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Department Scholarship

National Chung Cheng University Department of Financial and Economic Law International Students Scholarship Regulations
Modified and approved at the 3rd executive meeting of 2016 Semester on Dec 05,2016
Modified and approved at the 8th executive meeting of 2017 Semester on May 7,2018
Article 1 The Regulations are established to encourage international students (including undergraduate and postgraduate) to study at the Department of Financial and Economic Law,  National Chung Cheng University (hereinafter, the Department), improving the learning environment of international movement.
Article 2 International students from developing countries who apply to study at the Department are eligible to apply the scholarship. The executive meeting of the Department makes the decision and the sequential order of the international students who can receive the scholarships.
Article3 The  requirements for applying the scholarship and the content of the scholarship are as follows:
One International students who apply to study the undergraduate or postgraduate programs of the Department.
Two International students who have received the full scholarship from their own Governments, the Taiwanese Government, or other non-governmental organizations,  are not eligible for applying the scholarship.
Three The Department may assign international students as teaching assistants of the courses, research assistants, or administrative learning work, depending on the level of their languages. (International students should pass the certification of the university assistant qualifications if necessary.)
Four The duration for receiving the scholarship is limited to two consecutive academic years; suspension of studies shall be regarded as disqualifications.
Article4 International students applying the scholarship should submit  the following documents:
One The application form;
Copies of the applicant’s official transcript and other  relevant documents.
Two The abovementioned documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs, which will then transfer the documents to the executive meeting of the Department for making decisions.
  The abovementioned documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs, which will then transfer the documents to the executive meeting of the Department for making decisions.
Article5 The maximum number of international students who can receive the scholarship and the total amount of funding for the scholarship:
  The number of the scholarship per annum are five percent (rounded) of the postgraduate freshmen studying at the Department.  Each successful applicant will receive NT$6000 per month (including the scholarship from the university per semester).  The total amount of funding for international students scholarship per annum is NT$200,000 in principle.
Article6 The Department can decide to terminate a scholarship if the recipient has the following specific conditions:
One Misbehavior, quit or transfer from the university because of the violation of the university discipline.
Two Counterfeit or alter the documents for applying the scholarship.
Three Suspension of studies.
Four Receiving other Taiwanese or foreign full scholarship during studies.
Article7 The Regulations are subject to approval at the executive meeting of the Department for its implementation. The same shall apply when making any revisions.
*For the purpose of the Regulations, the executive meeting of the Department retains full and complete discretion to decide the list of developing countries. The purpose of the Regulations is now to provide scholarships for students from developing countries of Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and East Asia.
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